Communicable Diseases
The regulations on the duration of exclusion from school and criteria for readmission will be strictly enforced. No child, absent or excluded from class, with a communicable disease shall return to school before the specified time has expired. This regulation includes but is not limited to the following diseases:
Chicken Pox - 5 days from the appearance of the first crop of vesicles, or when all the lesions are dried and crusted.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) - 24 hours from the institution of appropriate therapy and when the eye no longer has a discharge.
Covid-19 Positive test- recommended to follow current PA Department Of Health (PADOH) guidelines for isolation prior to returning to school.
Covid- 19 Exposure- recommended to follow current PA Department Of Health (PADOH) guidelines for isolation prior to returning to school.
German Measles - 4 days from onset or when rash is gone; temperature is normal.
Head Lice - to be determined by examination by the school nurse.
Impetigo - 24 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Measles - 4 days from onset of rash.
Ringworm- under treatment with an antifungal and area can be covered.
Scabies - after completion of appropriate treatment.
Scarlet Fever - at least 10 days from the onset or 24 hours after starting appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)- 3 weeks from onset or 5 days after starting appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
Exclusion times may be extended at the discretion of the school nurse.
A doctor's release may be required before a child with a communicable disease returns to school.